Saturday, 23 June 2012

What Is the Best Book You Ever Read?

If you have read this blog for very long, you know that I often argue that college teachers have become obsessed with teaching stuff and less interested in developing the student as a whole person. Should we care if a student becomes a brilliant scholar but then leads a miserable life because he or she simply doesn’t know how to live? Well, I think so.

I could give several examples of what I do in my classes beyond teaching stuff but here is one of my favorites. My primary course is Intermediate Accounting II which covers some of the most complex material at any university. For nearly 20 years, about half way through the semester, I give my students a required assignment. I ask them to consider all the books they have ever read in their entire lives and pick the “best book you’ve ever read.” Then, they have to write a paragraph or two to describe why they picked that book. Over the years, I have had some of the most fascinating essays submitted.

Obviously, I want the students to think about how reading has impacted their lives. I think that thought process is good for them. I think an accounting teacher can ask students to think beyond accounting.

I then accumulate all the books the current class listed as well as all the books that all of the previous classes have listed and pass out that information (see the latest version below). At that time, I challenge the students to pick out a book from that list and read it. I challenge them to consider what books their fellow students have picked as their all-time best and find one they want to read.

Over the decades, I would bet that I have had more former students get back in touch with me to talk about their best books than I have former students talk with me about accounting complexities. And, the reason seems obvious: They realize that I am interested in more than just accounting computations. They don’t look at me solely as an accounting nerd who thinks doing deferred income taxes is the height of fun.

Does this exercise take much time? Of course not, the student probably spends no more than 20-30 minutes but it sets a tone for the class that I want: Accounting is important but there are other things that an educated person should consider. One of those “things” is an appreciation for good literature.

I honestly believe that all of college education would be radically improved if every single teacher did one such exercise each semester totally and completely outside of his or her discipline. What could you do? If you teach political science or psychology or zoology or literature or finance or accounting, what could you do that would get away from teaching nothing but stuff and be more directed toward the development of the whole person?

I know what you teach is important but how could you go beyond that to touch on helping your students develop as educated human begins?

Here’s the latest list that I sent out to my students from the spring of 2012:

To: Accounting 302 Students

BEST BOOKS – I certainly enjoyed reading about your “best books” (although many of you referred to these as your “favorite books” which is a bit different – I think). Actually, I found what you had to say about the books to be every bit as fascinating as the list of books itself. I always think it is interesting to ponder how the reading of one particular book can touch a person’s life so deeply. Read more books and you’ll be touched more. Books simply open life up to you. At your age, having life open up to you is a great goal. Choose books wisely – frequently, I search through lists on the Internet titled something like “The Best Books of 2012” to find books that will make me better. If you want to accomplish much in this life of yours, you have to continue to grow. I worry that too many of my students are just dying to stop growing. That is not the key to success at anything. Or, they just want to think about things too narrowly (“I’m not interested in anything besides getting a job and going to parties.”) There’s a lot of life out there – don’t narrow it down until you are 99 years old.

I jotted down a few things that I happened to notice as I was reading through all of your comments. With so many essays, I didn’t have time and space to write quotes from each one. Everyone had things that I found thoughtful; these were just a few things that happened to catch my eye. Who could read such wonderful comments and not get excited about reading?

---“I have never read another book that confused me more from the beginning. It was a mystery that unraveled itself as I read.” (The Count of Monte Cristo)
---“I remember being able to vividly visualize each character. It was as if I was in the story as just a bystander watching the entire story unfold before me.” (The Great Gatsby)
---“Things that are off the beaten path draw me in—that is how you find the most interesting events and stumble across the most bizarre of activities. Doing things that others classify as ‘different’ is what makes you interesting.” (The Dogs of Babel)
---“What truly makes these books unforgettable is how they have affected the way in which I live my own life. In my opinion, a good book should impact how one lives and/or perceives the world.” (The Chronicles of Narnia)
---“The book deals with religion, violence, culture clashes, and adapting to an ever-changing society.” (Things Fall Apart)
---“This is the best book that I have ever read because it portrayed ordinary characters in an ordinary setting in an extraordinary way.” (My Antonia)
---“Over the course of the novel, she grows into her own skin and finds the strength to open her mouth and stand up for herself.” (Speak)
---“Never had a book been able to have a great enough impact on me that I was afraid to be alone in my own house or make me feel bad for the characters.” (The Lovely Bones)
---“The novel contains all of the aspects that I like in a book: comedic events, love stories, drama, and life lessons.” (The Help)
---“This book really gets at how quick society is to judge someone and how unforgiving human beings are of people who have made mistakes.” (A Change of Heart)
---“Seeing how he was able to overcome those struggles to follow his passion inspires me to follow through with my dreams, even when it feels like I can not accomplish them.” (Balanchine: A Biography)
---“I remember feeling anxious; I remember feeling angry and I remember feeling sympathy and sadness.” (Night)
---“To read the book is to witness the thoughts and experience the mentality of a very conflicted individual, which is a very intimate subject.” (Steppenwolf)
---“This introduced me to Camus’s ideas of ‘the absurd’ relationship between humanity’s innate desire for meaning in a perceivably meaningless world.” (The Stranger)
---“The novel made me fascinated by power and persuasion.” (Animal Farm)
---“I cannot begin to count the number of times as a child that I imagined myself casting Gandalf’s spells, wielding Aragon’s sword, hefting Gimli’s axe, or firing Legolas’ bow.” (Return of the King)
---“It is my belief that these immoral characters make it much easier to identify with the story.” (Wuthering Heights)
---“It caused me to look at life in a way that would never be the same.” (The Power of Now)
---“Incorporated into these incredible stories are lessons that he learned about human nature, leadership, and management.” (The Mission, the Men, and Me)
---“His mission is to help those in need and he is a walking example of someone who simply goes out in life to make a difference.” (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
---“The book is so well written that I became very attached to the characters and surprisingly nervous when they were in trouble.” (1984)
---“The book was very intense and it dealt with the will to live. It made me, the reader, think on many different levels. It challenged my beliefs.” (The Life of Pi)
---“(The author) touches upon the topics of homosexuality, ordination of women in the church, the human’s responsibility of environment stewardship.” (Sins of Scripture)
---“There’s just something about this book that I somehow get lost in every time I sit down to read it.” (Pride and Prejudice)
---“The perfect balance of intellectual material and romance in this book stuck with me, and I loved researching this book after I had read it.” (The Citadel)
---“It was the first book that made me think, made me calm down, and made me organize my life better so I could fit a few more pages in.” (Ender’s Game)
---“I finally understood the power of having a dream and passion and going for it.” (Downsized)

The actual list of student best books is a bit further down this note. And, some of my own best books are included at the very end of this list.

I ask students about "best books" because I want to encourage you to read on a regular basis and to read exceptionally good books. Reading good books is a habit that can bring incredible joy and richness to your life. It helps you think more deeply and I think we can all use that. Reading good books is something you can learn to do even if it does not come naturally to you. There are scores of marvelous books on this list; you will have missed a true pleasure in life if you fail to read a couple of them. In addition, I believe that you will be a better accountant/business person if you have an adult life that is enriched by such things as going to art museums and to the theatre as well as reading good books. I would urge you to find an excellent book on this list and read it within the next couple of months. Pick a book where several people (other college students very much like you) have said “this book made a real difference in my life.”

Make time to read - you will never regret it. I know you are busy folks but everyone has 15 free minutes each day and 15 minutes per day of good reading could do ever so much good for you. If I could choose between teaching you accounting and teaching you to read great books, I would choose to teach you to read great books without a second thought. In the long run, you would be ever so much better off.

A few people answered my question with the disclaimer: "I don't have much time to read anything besides textbooks." In some ways, that is the whole point of this exercise; you only have a year or so left to read textbooks. How will you make use of the 50-70 years after that? Watching television or wandering around the Internet for three hours each night will hardly make you a better and more interesting person. Reading nothing but FASB pronouncements really limits you as a human. You need to be more human and reading well should help.

You have to fill up your hours so choose wisely as to how you do that.

You should make reading (especially good reading) a habit that will keep your mind expanding even after you have put down your textbooks. When someone tells me that a book is great, my curiosity is almost overwhelming – what lies between the covers of that book that this person found to be so wonderful? If I read that same book, will it have that same impact on me? Knowledge flows out of your head constantly; it is not a bad idea to reverse the flow occasionally and put some stuff back into your head. Put the good stuff in your head – long term, you’ll be glad you did.

YOUR CLASS BEST BOOKS - CLASS OF 2013 (if two books or more were listed by a student, I only included the first one)

A Change of Heart
And Then There Were None
Animal Farm
Balanchine: A Biography
Ender’s Game
Gone With the Wind
Green Mile
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
How To Be a Gentleman
Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
Mountains Beyond Mountains
My Antonia
Pride and Prejudice
Return of the King
Sentimental Education
Sins of Scripture
Stories of Romans
The Big Short
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Citadel
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Dogs of Babel
The Giver
The Glass Castle
The Great Gatsby (5)
The Help
The Hunger Games
The Kite Runner
The Last Amateurs
The Life of Pi
The Lovely Bones
The Mission, the Men, and Me
The Power of Now
The Stranger
Things Fall Apart
To Kill a Mockingbird (2)
To Live
Unpractical Demon Keeping
Valley of the Dolls
Wuthering Heights


COMBINATION OF THE PREVIOUS CLASSES OF 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 (if a book was chosen by more than one student, that is indicated by the extra number – and I’ll say it again, look for books that have been picked by a number of students over the years and go out and read a couple, those tend to be really special):

14,000 Things to be Happy About
1984 (10)
A Child Called “It” (2)
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
A Clockwork Orange (6)
A Confederacy of Dunces (2)
A Discourse on Inequality
A Farewell to Arms (5)

(From Joe – there are literally scores of books on this list. I want drive you crazy listing them all. However, if you want to see the entire list, send me an email at and I’ll be glad to send you the entire list.)

Where the Red Fern Grows (8)
White Noise
Who Moved My Cheese (3)
Wild Swans
Wooden: A Lifetime of Reflections From On and Off the Court
Wuthering Heights (2)
Zoo Doctor


I actually keep a list of all the books that I read and all the movies that I see. Here are the best books that I read over the last 12 months: Freedom, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop CafĂ©, Memoirs of a Geisha, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Life Itself. (In case you are interested, the best movies that I saw in the last 12 months were: Midnight in Paris, Incendies, Let Me In, Harvard Beats Yale 29-29, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo [American version – I especially liked the first three minutes], The Artist, Janis, and Pete Seeger: The Power of Song.)

And, yes, I have read all of the Harry Potter books as well as The DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons. They are all quite good but not in my all-time best list.

At my age, beyond last year, I cannot remember all of the books that I have loved but here are some that I remember quite well:

Jane Eyre, The Scarlet Letter, Catch 22, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, I, Claudius Ragtime, For Whom The Bells Toll, Lonesome Dove, The Mosquito Coast, The Old Man and The Sea, Prince of Tides, Dandelion Wine, Slaughter House Five, Burr, Siddharta, The Cider House Rules, 100 Poems by E. E. Cummings, In Cold Blood, Anna Karinana, Bob Dylan—A Descriptive, Critical Discography and Filmography 1961-1993, The Power and the Glory, Howards End, Into Thin Air, Freedom

My favorite author of "fluff" books is Elmore Leonard.

I also really like the works of Hermann Hesse and Graham Greene. I find that their words really touch me in some deep way.

One book that has really had an impact on me was a very short book that is considered a classic in discussing how businesses should be operated: Up The Organization. It is hard to sum up any book in a few words but this one stresses "expect the best from the people with whom you work and help them to reach that potential." Great book.

One book that affected my teaching was One L - it talks about being a student at Harvard Law School and about how the teachers in the Harvard Law School teach. One teacher in particular really interested me in that he taught by asking weird, off the wall questions, to get his students to think outside of the box.

My wife has added her best book to the list: Tidewater Tales.

A list of the best books of the 20th Century (according to the experts) can be found at:

Another good list of great books can be found at

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Lazy? Or What?

Several weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking to 70 teachers or so at the Kentucky Accounting Educators’ Forum. At one point in that presentation, I made a comment that working with students who can often be incredibly lazy is a real challenge for every teacher. My guess is that every teacher has mumbled similar words over the years.

Later that day, Randy Hahm who is on the faculty at Kentucky State drove me to the airport. On the way, Randy told me about one of his favorite quotes from Zig Ziglar, the world famous motivational speaker: “There’s no such thing as a lazy person; he’s either sick or uninspired.” I don’t remember much else about that day but those few words have stuck with me since that car trip. My students rarely appear sick. So, whenever I’m dissatisfied with their efforts, is it laziness or is lack of inspiration?

Lazy or uninspired? On the surface, you might ask what difference does that distinction make? I think it makes an important difference as you think about your role as an educator.

--Laziness would mean that a lack of understanding and a resulting poor grade are basically the student’s own fault; the teacher is not the one to blame. I can wash my hands of any guilt. The student got what the student deserved.

--On the other hand, lack of inspiration can be attributed (at least in part) to me as the teacher. If students are not working up to their potential, I have not yet figured out how to get them interested or involved enough. I have not convinced them that the understanding is worth the effort. Instead of blaming the student, perhaps I should try some new type of inspiration. If Zig Ziglar is correct, then I need to look differently at students that I have previously classified as “lazy.” Perhaps, I have washed my hands of guilt a bit too quickly.

Question 1 – how can a teacher inspire students?

For most, inspiration is typically limited to carrots and sticks.

---“Learn this material and you will get a good grade.”
---“Learn this material and you will get a good job.”
---“Learn this material and your mom will be proud.”

Those are all common carrots used to inspire students to do high quality work. Do the work and there is a vague payoff down the line somewhere.

---“Learn this material because it will be on the test.”
---“Learn this material or you are going to fail.”
---“Learn this material because no one is going to hire you with a D on your transcript.”
---“Learn this material or you are wasting your tuition money.”

Those are all sticks used to prod students into working. If you don’t do this work, something bad is going to happen to you.

In the past, I’ve used both carrots and sticks. However, I’m not sure we shouldn’t get away from over-reliance on both carrots and sticks. Actually, I’m not sure they are really inspirations. They seem more like bribes and punishments.

Maybe we should think more about true inspiration.

---“You are capable of doing this. Let me show you how this material might be useful to you as you make decisions in your chosen career.”
---“You are capable of doing this. Let me show you why this material is actually interesting.”
---“You are capable of doing this. Let me show you how working out this answer is like solving a challenging puzzle.”
---“You are capable of doing this. Let me show you how understanding this material will help you as we move to our next topic.”

These are neither bribes nor punishments. A benefit is promised that is more immediate and goes beyond a simple letter grade. The teacher is trying to build confidence while giving the student a legitimate reason for doing the work. The teacher is working to promote inspiration over laziness.

Question 2 – is it your responsibility to inspire students?

But is the teacher really responsible for inspiration? I know plenty of college professors who will say “I teach my classes. The students are adults; it is their responsibility to motivate themselves. Whether they are lazy or uninspired makes no difference to me; it is their problem. It is up to them to prove they want to do well.” That’s a very good point. “Cheerleader” is not part of the job description.

In fact, I have this argument with myself rather frequently. In the end, I always come back to the same point: I want results. By hook or crook, I want results. I want my students to learn and understand. I’m willing to accept some responsibility for student inspiration if it leads to student success.

Recently, a colleague of mine, Randolph New, emailed me a copy of an article from the online version of The Chronicle of Higher Education (April 15, 2012) titled “Can Colleges Manufacture Motivation?” by Dan Berrett. (I do realize that “motivation” and “inspiration” are two different things but I’m not sure students realize that. In fact, perhaps we all try to motivate our students when we really should be trying to inspire them.)

The article discussed the importance of motivation in the success of college students. In this article, according to the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education, 2/3 of four-year college students said their motivation levels had stayed the same or actually dropped during their college experience. That’s a fairly high percentage of students who felt absolutely no increase in motivation as a result of college. Okay, here’s the obvious question: How would the educational experience (for students and teachers alike) have changed if all those students had seen an increase in their motivation? My guess is that their classes would have been significantly better in almost every conceivably way. Perhaps some motivation/inspiration really can improve education.

There are two additional thoughts in this article that I want to mention. One was just a wonderful description of the teachder's impact on a student: “There was an identifiable moment in which a faculty member created a spark in them; students became energized or excited by a topic, an idea, or a discipline. In those moments, he said, a faculty member conveyed to the student that he or she could perform on the collegiate level.”

It is hard to read those sentences without becoming excited about teaching. That’s what I got into this business to do. I especially liked the way teachers can create that spark in their students.

The second thought was a more personalized observation within this article: “The researchers in the Wabash study attributed the differences in motivation more narrowly. Their findings suggest that motivation is a product of professors more than it is of colleges.”

When it comes to motivation (or inspiration), it is not the college that counts but rather it is the teacher. Whether you teach at the best known college in the country or the least known, it is not the school that makes the difference; it is the teacher that does. If there is going to be that spark, it has to come from the teacher. If we are going to move away from lazy students to inspired students, it has to come from the teacher.

Question 3 – how do you inspire students?

My final question is just a general one: How do YOU try to inspire your students? Forget about carrots and sticks for a moment. Get away from bribes and punishment. What do you do that might inspire your students? If you have not thought of that question before, today might be a good day to start. If you have even one student that you would classify as lazy, how can you turn that person into an inspired student? In the end, that might make all the difference in the world.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Implications of Greece'e exit

In the month of March, there was a lifeline for economy of the Greece when countries like Germany, Finland and others agreed to make a €130 billion bailout for the country. But now when the results of the election have come up on 6th May and both the coalition parties unable to garner a majority and having a hung parliament, there are talks going on for bailout re-negotiation. Greece's euro-zone partners agreed to release only €4.2 billion ($5.5 billion) in previously agreed financing, to be paid out Thursday, holding back €1 billion at least until June. That would be paid only if Greece keeps to pledges it made to secure a bailout.
With talks reaching no resolution Wednesday, the Pasok party, which came in third in Sunday's vote, will make a last stab at building a coalition. But few expect a breakthrough and many observers say parties are positioning themselves for another election in June. "It doesn't look like there is any other solution apart from elections," one Syriza official said.
The next round is shaping up to be a showdown between Mr. Tsipras and New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras, who is expected to make the election a last stand for Greece staying in the euro bloc.
With Athens in political turmoil after a fractured result in weekend elections, and a new vote likely by June, German politicians cautioned that further aid could be withdrawn if Greece abandons austerity targets—even if that pushes the country from the bloc.
The election results have clearly showed that the public there is against austerity drives which are one of the necessary conditions for the bailout package to be given out by the EU. Thus it would be very difficult for any government to approve further cuts of €11.5 billion by June end. Thus the country is imminent to head for an economic emergency again. Technically such comments lead to only one thing- the imminent fall out of the Greece from the European Union. Such fears continue to keep European financial markets on the edge.
Implications of Greece’s exit:
Even before an exit Greece’s banks could collapse if the steady withdrawal of deposits—they are 30% below their peak, according to Credit Suisse—were to develop into an outright run. After an exit debts to foreign creditors would soar as the new drachma fell, leading to further defaults. On strict legal grounds, Greece could find itself cast out of the European Union as well as the euro area, at risk of losing access to the single market.
But the panic would not be confined to Greece (which made up just 2.3% of the euro zone by GDP in 2011). Depositors in other vulnerable economies could take fright and try to withdraw their funds from their banking systems. Even if the European Central Bank (ECB) fought this with massive liquidity support, the crisis would shake already frail banks, especially in Spain. Bond yields will jump in any country that might conceivably leave the euro once such an exit has actually happened, with the rise proportional to the risk. Bad, then, for Spain and Italy. Worse for Ireland and Portugal, which have already needed bail-outs. Last year elections in both countries produced reform-minded governments, but the economic pain they are already undergoing is intense. A referendum on the German-inspired “fiscal compact”, which will insert public-debt brakes into national laws, is due in Ireland on May 31st and many Irish may be tempted to use the occasion to vent their discontent and add to the anti-austerity movement in Europe. An Irish rejection would not prevent the treaty coming into effect, but it would relieve the Irish of any obligations under it, and mean that they would not be bailed out in future. Thus a Greek exit from the euro zone would not just be chaotic for Greece itself but would also invite questions about the status of Portugal, Ireland and others.
The Greek Government bond yields were relatively unchanged with the 10-year quoted at the price of 20-22 cents on the euro, to give a yield in the region of 22%-23% . While the Spanish and Italian bond yields continued to grow higher with Spanish bonds up nearly 0.12 percentage point at 5.915% and Italian higher 0.07 points at 5.68% according to data from Trade web.
Thus the need now is for the policymakers to look for other strategies like a credible commitment to mutualize the debts of remaining euro-zone countries, because as stated by the new French president-elect Mr. Francois Hollande that austerity is not a panacea for the problems. But it is hard to see how such a pledge could be made credible enough in the near future. There is no consensus among Europe’s elites that this is the way to go; and the political journey to that destination would rightly require parliamentary votes and referendums.

Article By:
Prathmesh Limaye

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Mentor - Redux

I am always a bit amazed by how many readers we have on this blog. I never expected to get to 1,000 and we have now had (as of 8 minutes ago) 54,309 page views. Many readers are accounting profs but a lot teach all kinds of other things.

I am busy so I rarely pay attention to which blog entries get a lot of readership and which get less. However, because of an unrelated project, I had to go back a few days ago and look at all the entries to date and noted the number of hits for each. Most got hundreds, some got thousands. However, the following entry (from May 30, 2010) only had 14 hits. 14??? Heck, some of these entries get 14 hits in the first two minutes.

I’m not sure why no one read this entry because (even rereading it today) I think it raises a valid question as to what you actually want to be as a college prof. I especially liked the comment about the baseball team needing different types of players. Are you in an environment where different talents and roles are recognized?

So, I am going to rerun this one from 2010 and see if we get more than 14 readers this time.


When I first started working in a college classroom in 1971, it struck me that some members of the faculty were teachers and others were mentors. A teacher is a person who walks into a classroom and helps students learn to understand material. Some of the people I encountered were good teachers and others were not so good. The only criterion for excellence, though, was how much the students learned by the end of the semester.

A mentor was certainly a teacher but, in addition, the mentor was a little bit more. I checked on the Internet just now and found the term “mentor” defined as a trusted guide or advisor. Yeah, I have known a few of those also over the past 39 years. In fact, some of the best mentors that I have seen were not particularly good teachers. It is a different talent. However, it is a way that a faculty member can have a genuine and long lasting effect on the life of a student.

Teacher or mentor?

It seems to me that you can divide college faculty members into three categories. The first is the pure teacher who works to help students learn but has no real interest in giving advice or guidance. I have worked with some wonderful teachers who did not know the name of a single student and didn't want to know their names. As an undergraduate, I went to a large research-oriented school. I would say that virtually every college professor I had in four years at that school was a teacher. If I had walked into one of their offices and said “I’ve got an issue that I wonder if I could talk with you about,” the response would have been something like that of W. C. Fields: “Go away kid, you bother me.”

The second category is what I call “mentors for the best and brightest.” Many faculty members really like to work with the top 10 percent of their students because they can push them to excel. This is often where we get our next generation of doctors, engineers, scientist, and college professors. There are always students capable of great achievements and having a mentor to push and guide them forward is so important.

The third category is what I call “mentors with an open-door policy.” Every student feels free to walk in and talk with these faculty members about everything from majors to roommates to personal tragedies. My first four years as a college professor were at a very small, religiously-oriented college. All faculty members were expected to be mentors. Students with real problems would call me at home for personal advice.

I am not here to tell you what you ought to be. I think that is a very personal decision. What I do think, though, is that every program needs some of each. I would even say that having 33 percent of your faculty in each category is not a bad allocation. When I first started teaching, I think many of the schools that I came in contact with came pretty close to that pattern. A faculty is like a baseball team; it needs people to play different positions.

What concerns me now a bit is that I think fewer and fewer faculty members are in category three and I worry that this category may eventually become extinct. At a lot of schools, this level of mentoring has been virtually reassigned away from the faculty. Universities now have career development centers and advising services and all kinds of surrogate mentors. Those are great and awfully helpful but it is almost as if some administrator said “make a list of every question a student could possibly ask and then we’ll hire someone other than a faculty member to answer it. Keep the students away from the faculty.”

I think there should always be a few professors in every department who have an open door policy for every student and who are willing to go beyond being a teacher. Into which of these three classifications do you fall and are you satisfied with that placement? When your career is eventually over and done with, do you want to be remembered as a teacher or as a mentor?

Cat Abuse and Technology - Be Still, My Heart

A Dutch artist named Bart Hansen recently decided to memorialize his dead cat (Orville) in an unusual way - by turning it into a remote-controlled helicopter. Jansen said that Oville always loved birds, and now he can fly with them.

Unfortunately, he forgot the laser beams.  Amateur!